Monday, May 30, 2011

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Say Yes to Anything

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before 
You Say Yes to Anything

Creator has guided me to ask myself 3 questions before I say Yes to anything. It has absolutely changed my life! Not sure if they will fit for you, but wanted to share them in case they will.

1. Will it be FUN?
I believe that the purpose of life is to have FUN! If something isn’t going to be FUN then I just say no thank you.

Of course there are times when we have to do things, like say go to the dentist, or vacuum that we complain about - but what if you found a FUN way to do those things???? I have a great dentist so it isn’t an issue for me, but if you don’t - why not load your iPod with comedians that you love and listen to them while there. Just be careful not to bite your dentist when you LOL!

2. Will it be EASY?
I have spent many years trying to force things to happen. UG! This is so draining - and certainly never FUN! 

Of course “easy” doesn’t mean no effort or action. It means will that effort and action be easy? Or will I feel like I am pushing and prodding?
For me going on a 5km bike ride is easy - takes effort and action, but its easy. Now if someone asked me to go on a 20km bike ride that would not be easy - YET! (I am working on it!!)

3. Will it make a POSITIVE difference for ALL involved?

This is very important to me. I want to be completely conscious that what I do and say is making a positive difference ~ for everyone.
Notice it didn’t say “happy” difference. Sometimes in life we need to set and maintain healthy boundaries with people who would like us to be a certain way, but it doesn’t work for us. This may not be happy for them, but certainly positive. Or maybe we need to be honest with someone that might hurt them initially but in the end be very positive for all. Be careful not to get the 2 mixed up.

If you use different questions to help guide your decisions please post below. I would love to hear them!!

Many blessings and much love,
Glenyce Hughes
Medium & So Much More

My magnificent friend Mel and I enjoying the first marshmallow roast of the season!

Monday, May 23, 2011

4 Ways to “Hear” Your Angels More Clearly

4 Ways to “Hear” Your Angels More Clearly

As a professional medium one of the questions I am asked over and over again is “how can I hear my Angels more clearly?” Here are 4 simple ways...

1. Be here, NOW - in order for you to clearly hear your Angels you need to be in the present moment. Not reviewing your To Do List, not replaying the conversation you had with your boss yesterday, not planning supper. Be here, in this moment, now...and now...and now. Yep, it takes practice. We have trained ourselves to go 110 miles an hour, and we need to train ourselves to relax, to breathe, to focus.

2. Ask for what you want - have you ever thought to ask for how you want to hear your Angels? Have you asked them to be clearer? To be louder? To make it easier for you? Angels are the same as friends - we need to ask for what we want. Whining and complaining about a friend doesn’t win you more friends. Same goes for Angels. Own what you want - ask for it in respectful ways - and watch it happen.

3. Note it - carry a journal with you and write down what you hear. This will boost your confidence that you are hearing them correctly and as we all know, what we focus on grows!

4. PLAY - yep, the more fun you have, the higher your vibration, the easier it is for you to hear them. People often think they don’t have time to play - but really, taking time to play makes life flow so much more. Angels love to PLAY and they know the importance of it. Book it into your calendar if you have to. 

If you enjoyed this article I encourage you to check out the MP3 recording of my tele-class - Why Your Angels Aren't Listening to You and How to Get Them To. Be sure to check out the reviews - the participants LOVED it - and you will too!!!

Happy listening to your Angels!!
Many blessing and much LOVE,
Glenyce Hughes
Medium & So Much More

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Power of Asking the RIGHT Questions

The Power of Asking the RIGHT Questions

Last year I listened to an audio book called The Great Little Book of Afformations by Noah St. John. It changed my life! I highly recommend it to everyone - you can download it off iTunes or order it through Amazon, or your favorite seller.

The basis of it is really simple - when we ask questions, our brain searches for the answers. This is one of the many jobs of our brains. The problem is that we are often asking questions we don’t actually want answered!

For example - asking ourselves, why do I always get a cold in the summer? This will create your brain searching for the answer - and surprise - you get a cold every summer. Or another one is - why am I always broke? Your brain will search for ways for you to be broke. Hmmmmmm, probably not what you are really wanting!

The book encourages you to be conscious of the questions you are asking - which mean listening to what is going on in your head. And changing the dis-empowering questions to empowering questions.

The “Why do I always get a cold in the summer?” would be changed to “Why am I always so healthy?” Now your brain will search for the answer of why you are always healthy - and surprise - health is what it will create!
“Why am I always broke?” would be changed to “Why am I so rich, and so richly blessed?” - and your brain will search for that answer. Cool eh???

And even though you are asking the questions, you aren’t consciously looking for the answers. Just change your dis-empowering questions to empowering ones and let your brain miraculously find the answers. The miracles are in your questions!

Here are some other questions, some from the book, some of my own and some from a modality called Access Consciousness (you can read their blog here)

“How can my life get even better?”
“What else is possible?”
“Why am I so loved, happy, successful and happy?”
“Why do I take such good care of myself?”
“Why is my body such a gift?”
“Why do I always have an abundance of wealth, health and happiness?”
“Why does money come to me so easily?”
“Why is it so easy for me to take the steps to be financially free?”
“Why do I get to do what I love and be so wonderfully paid for it?”
“Why am I so valuable to myself and others?”
“Why am I always doing the right thing at the right time?”
“Why do fabulous opportunities come to me so easy and so often?”
“Why am I so loved and appreciated?”
“Why is Love so easy for me to express, share and receive?”
“Why do I have so many wonderful friends?”
“Why am I so generous with others?”
“Why does what I have always enrich the lives of others?”
“Why is it so easy for me to bless the lives of myself, friends, & family?
“Why does everything always work out so perfectly?”
“Why do I love being happy and healthy?”
“Why do I always believe in the power within me?”
“What else can I create?”
“How did I get so lucky?”

I encourage you to listen to the questions you are asking yourself on a daily basis and change them to empowering questions. They will change your life!

I would love to hear your thoughts, and experiences with asking empowering questions! Please post them below.

I love when people share my blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc - please feel free to do so!

Reminder of my super awesome business teleclasses starting tomorrow - 

Many blessing and tons of love,
Glenyce Hughes
Medium and So Much More

Another beautiful sunset from our condo in Mexico. January 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

3 Easy Steps to Allow More JOY Into Your Life

3 Steps to Allow More JOY Into Your Life

For me JOY is the ultimate - it is like mixing love, happiness, prosperity, kindness, laughing, and peace all into one word. Just typing, thinking or saying the word JOY makes my heart dance. Of course, like everything, JOY holds a vibration - which is why it makes my heart dance!!

To allow more JOY into your life of course means its there - waiting for you. It isn’t lacking. It isn’t hidden. It isn’t for some and not for you. Nope, its all about you - and you allowing it in is also about you. You can - or you can choose not to. It is up to you. If you would like to allow more in, here are 3 easy steps to do so!

1. Notice it. 

 Use a journal, a scrap piece of paper, your kids t-shirt, your laptop - it doesn’t matter how you do, just write it down. This will help you see how much JOY you have around you. Its there. I promise. What about that butterfly that just went by the window? What about the home made card from your loved one on your dresser? What about that smile that stranger gave you in the supermarket? What about the fact that you can read this? Or smell supper cooking?

2. Create it. 

Take 10 small pieces of paper (or more) - on each piece write a different things that you can to that will bring you JOY. You will end up with 10 different ways. Put them in a fancy bowl, or a hat, or an old boot. Swish them around with your hand and pick one. Now go do it. Do this every day until all 10 are gone. Keep adding things because one you start this, you will think of more and more JOY-ful things to add. Its the Law of Attraction - what you focus on you create more of!

3. Give it Away. 

You have heard it said that when we give what we want, we get more than we could have every imagined. Those closest to you - what can you give them to create JOY for them? Make sure it is something you enJOY also!! Challenge yourself to do this once a day for 21 days and watch your life change for the better!!

P.S. Be sure to check out my new tele-class programs starting May 17/11. It is going to be AWESOME!!!

Many blessings and much love,
Glenyce Hughes
Medium and So Much More

On Saturday I had an AWESOME-ness party with some of my awesome friends.
It was VERY JOY-filled!
We each made a name tag...this is mine! LOL

Monday, May 2, 2011

Orbs, Orbs, ORBS!!!

Orbs, Orbs, ORBS!!!

I LOVE orbs. They absolutely fascinate me. They often look like water spots on a picture, or some people describe them as dust particles.

They are our divine energy teams saying Hello - loved ones that have crossed over (including animals), Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, etc.

In many of the medium readings I do, the loved ones coming through tell my clients to watch for them in the pictures, or to go back to some pictures as they are there.

Lately I have noticed more and more orbs in my pictures. My team says it is happening more and more to everyone! I LOVE it!!! 

Check your pictures!!!! And if you have cool orb pictures that you would like to share email them to me and I will post them on my Glenyce Hughes, Messages from a Medium facebook group.

P.S. The Angels and I did an amazing teleclass the other night - Why Your Angels Aren't Listening to You and How You Can Get Them To. It has received some awesome reviews (you can read them on the link) - PLUS you can purchase the MP3 download from my store!

Many blessings and much love,
Glenyce Hughes
Medium and So Much More

I am teaching the Discover Your Psychic Self workshop in Athabasca, AB - I love how there is one sitting right on my left hand! 2011
Easter Egg Hunt 2011

Easter Egg Hunt 2011

ThetaHealing Class 2010 - look in the back row, between the ladies in red and pink. They are even standing like they are making room for him!

I am speaking at a Wellness Fair in 2009, making connections to loved ones who had crossed over. The orb is right on top of me.

2009 - I am getting ready to go zip lining - scare out of my tree! My team was there supporting me, as always.

Archangel Raphael in the green orb on the bottom left hand side of the picture. 2011