Saturday, May 19, 2012

Signs from Spirit

A couple of cool stories from Medium readings I did this week --

A female in spirit was telling my client that she had brought her flowers after she crossed over. 

I have had other spirits say the same thing and in fact had a friend who had crossed over send me flowers also. The way my friend did it was she got my husbands boss to bring me flowers for something totally unrelated (his boss had woke me up one night looking for my husband and felt bad). When she handed me the flowers I heard my friend on the other side tell me they were from her. I was thrilled.

Back to my client -- as I was explaining what her loved one was saying she started crying saying that she did receive a rose on the one year anniversary of her death... it had just showed up and although she asked everyone she could think if... no one had sent it. WOW! How cool is that???

In another reading my clients Grandma was explaining all the things she does to get her granddaughters attention. I thought I had heard of all the signs but spirit always surprises me. She pulls the tea towels off the stove so her granddaughter has to put them up again. HA! That made me giggle!

Spirit will always show you they are with you. If you don’t feel you are receiving the signs ask for them to be clearer. Your loved ones want you to know they are with you, having fun and loving you.

P.S. Be sure to check out my Conversations with Creator to Strengthen Your Psychic Abilities available for instant download. Each of the 6 focuses on a different psychic sense and will powerfully connect you with your psychic senses. You can purchase them individually or buy all 6 for the price of 5. How does it get any better than that???

Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Medium & So Much More

This workshop will be a mix of engaging practical group interaction and self work that will enable you to tap into your infinite wisdom - facilitating profound transformative results in yourself – instantly and effortlessly - in incredible ways.
Saturday, May 26/12 in Lloydminster, AB
Register by Monday, May 21/12 and save $100!!!