Monday, June 13, 2011

2 Easy Way to Raise Your Vibrations and Get What You Want!

2 Easy Ways to Raise Your Vibrations 
& Get What You Want!

I was listening to a recording about the Law of Attraction the other day and wanted to share 2 of the things the presenter suggested adding to your day to help you get what you want quicker!

1. 10 Things I Loved About Today
Right before bed make a list of all the things you loved about your day. These can be huge, or tiny, doesn't matter. They do have to be true. This is very similar to a gratitude list and will assist you to focus on all the beauty and miracles that happen in your day!

2. Thank You Universe...
After writing out your 10 things then go to another page and write out what you want to attract into your life. Write them specifically like this - 
Thank you Universe for the beautiful, private, brand new, winterized home, lakefront at Bright Sand Lake, Saskatchewan. I so appreciate it!

I am going to start this today for the next 30 days - won't you join me? I'll do another post in a month to let you know my results. I would love to hear yours too!!

I am currently taking a 3 week ThetaHealing Intuitive Anatomy workshop and writing about my experiences daily. You may be interested in reading about them on my Facebook page -

Many blessings and MUCH love,
Glenyce Hughes
Medium & So Much More

Beautiful Saskatchewan Sunset in June 2001

Monday, June 6, 2011

You CAN Do It!

This short video brought tears to my eyes. Listen to his words of wisdom - they are simple but speak straight to your heart. Think of something in your life that you want to accomplish and watch this -

"You will get the hang of it, I know you will!"

Many blessings and much love,
Glenyce Hughes
Medium & So Much More