Sunday, September 8, 2013

Angel Dreams

Remember to say Thank YOU before you go to sleep tonight and ask your Angels to come play in your dreams!

P.S. Check out the Meditations I have for immediate download in my store. From Automatic Writing to Creating a Ton of Money with Creator and So Much More!

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.
Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Money Wasn’t an Issue

What if money wasn't the problem? What if money was never the problem? What if money was an excuse you were using to not choose what makes your heart dance?

Next time you find yourself saying "I can't do/be/have _____ because I don't have the money" Ask yourself "If money wasn't the issue, what would I choose here?"

If you would choose it then follow up with the following questions "What would it take for ________ to show up as if by magic?" "What can I be or do different today that ______ will show up right away?" "What are the infinite possibilities of __________ showing up?"

Then follow your awareness. Maybe you see will a help wanted sign so you can make the money you require that way. Or maybe it'll just show up in your bank account. Or maybe someone will gift you what you are looking for. Or, or, or, or........... So many possibilities when you don't use money as an excuse and you don't come to conclusion that you can't have/be/do what your heart desires.

P.S. Check out the Home Study Online Courses I offer - you don’t even have to get out of your jammies to learn cool stuff!! Immediate download available. How cool is that??

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.
Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Choice Expands Possibilities

"I wonder what would happen if you didn't base your today on yesterday? What if you chose what made your heart dance regardless of what has happened in the past? If you woke up without all your self imposed limitations - what would you choose? What would it take for you to just choose it???"

P.S. Yep I do Medium Readings - by phone or in person!  
P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.
Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Waiting for a Sign

Had the Angels whisper that a few of you are waiting for a sign - this is from them to YOU!

P.S. Be sure to check out my workshops - I travel far and wide and just may be in your area! (and if you would like to host me in your area let me know!) 
P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.
Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Infinite Possibilities

"You wouldn't put water in your car's gas tank and expect it to drive smoothly. You wouldn't put oil in your coffee pot and expect it to make fabulous coffee. You wouldn't put paint thinner in your shampoo and expect it to add volume and shine to you hair. So stop putting negative thoughts and worries into your life and expect it to be happy, joyful and filled with possibilities."

P.S. Have you signed up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter? When you do you also receive a video by the energetic team to Raise Your Vibes!

Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ease, Joy And Glory

"Most of us want to see the best in other people so much that we will not allow ourselves see the truth. This usually ends in resentment, anger, and frustration. 

What if instead of pretending we were willing to see with awareness. Not judg

ement where we have to make the other person wrong, just awareness.

For example instead of assuming everything will be perfect if we go into business with our best friend we can use our awareness as to what will really work. Instead of assuming we can trust every person who has authority we can use our awareness as to whom we can really trust.

When we live from our awareness we no longer set ourselves up for drama and trauma, we see what is, and choose what works... thus creating a life filled with ease, joy and glory!"

P.S. Check out the Creator Charged Crystals in my store - my hubby wraps them and I charge them with the energies.
P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.
Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Let Go

"Freedom comes when the only approval you look for is in the mirror."

P.S. Have you signed up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter? When you do you also receive a video by the energetic team to Raise Your Vibes!
Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Is Now the Time?

“What if nothing was right or wrong, or good or bad - what if it just is? If we stopped judging, how much energy and space would that give us? How many doors of possibilities would open? How much joy could we experience in the moment, every moment? How present could we become with ourselves and each other? Are you willing to stop making yourself and others wrong and just be? This is what will stop the wars, the hatred, the pain, the suffering. Is now the time?”

P.S. Have you signed up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter? When you do you also receive a video by the energetic team to Raise Your Vibes!

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.
Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Sunday, July 14, 2013


"What you are living right now is a result of all the choices you have made - moment to moment. Want something to be different? 
Make different choices."

P.S. Yep I do Medium Readings - by phone or in person!

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.

Infinite blessings,

Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tell Her I Love Her
Will you join me on my brand new radio show - Living in the Magic of Possibilities? 
The first show airs on Thursday, July 11/13 at 4:00pm Mountain/6:00pm Eastern.

I will be discussing my unexpected journey into mediumship - 
It was late one night in August 2002, little did Glenyce know that her entire life was going to change 
that night, as if by magic!
While gifting a Reiki session to a friend the spirit of a man who had committed suicide came in to speak with the woman receiving Reiki. They had been very close friends and he had some important messages for her. Unable to get through to his friend directly, he used Glenyce as the medium.

This began Glenyce’s journey into infinite possibilities and creating what she always knew was possible, yet had always been told was impossible. 
Join us to hear Glenyce’s phenomenal journey into mediumship and some amazing stories from thousands of private and group medium readings.

Listen in on this Link at 4:00pm Mountain/6:00pm Eastern

You can find the time in your area on this link --

You can also download on iTunes or listen to the replay whenever works for you.

What would it take for this call to create greater possibilities for each and every one of us??

Grateful for you,
Glenyce Hughes
Inspirational Author, Speaker, Radio Host & Facilitator of Possibilities

Web Page - be sure to sign up for my newsletter
Radio Show on Voice America - Living in the Magic of Possibilities
Live BEYOND Your Wildest Dreams - my book
My Upcoming Access Consciousness Classes Around the World
Friend me on Facebook

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Make Different Choices

"What you are living right now is a result of all the choices you have made - moment to moment. Want something to be different? Make different choices."
P.S. Yep I do Medium Readings - by phone or in person!
Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Medium and So Much More

Sunday, June 30, 2013

You Are Amazing

You ARE phenomenal beyond words. You ARE gifted and talented. You ARE beautiful. You ARE amazing. You ARE perfect. You ARE incredible. 
You ARE everything the Creator ever dreamed of - and so much more.

P.S. Check out the Creator Charged Crystals in my store - my hubby wraps them and I charge them with the energies.

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.
Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


“Most of us were taught very early that it is better to give than to receive. That is was selfish to put our needs first and always do for others, no matter the cost to us. These limiting beliefs block our ability to receive from anyone or anything. When we block receiving our money flows are dry, our relationships are one sided, we feel resentment and anger on a regular basis, and life just feels dull.
Would you like to change that? Are you willing to let go of everything you believe you have to be or do for other people? Are you willing to gift and receive freely with no expectations? Are you willing to receive the contribution you are, just by being you?"

P.S. Be sure to check out Magic, You Are It, Be It class on MP3 - available for immediate download and the book gets mailed to you at no extra charge!

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.
Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Universe Knows

"Often we pretend to be less than we truly are. What would it take to stop pretending and truly embrace our awesome-ness?"

P.S. Be sure to check out Money Isn’t the Problem, You Are class on MP# - available for immediate download and the book gets mailed to you at no extra charge!

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.
Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Universe has your Back

"If you had absolute and total trust in yourself and knew the Universe had your back, what would you do today? What are you waiting for?"

P.S. Did you know I wrote a mini book called Live BEYOND Your Wildest Dreams - and have a whole coaching program based around it? Check it out here!

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.

Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Choose Kindness

"Those things you are trying to make yourself bad or wrong about it, let them go. You have never been wrong, bad, ugly, horrible, disgusting or any of the other names you call yourself. Choose from this moment forward to be kind. Think kind thoughts about yourself. Do kind things for yourself. Talk kindly about yourself. Isn't it time to stop beating yourself up and start loving kindness instead?"

P.S. Be sure to check out my Workshops - I travel far and wide and just may be in your area! (and if you would like to host me in your area let me know!)

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.

Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What Else Can I Create

When you are willing to acknowledge you are the creator of everything in your life, you can change whatever isn't working and make what is working even better.

Simply ask yourself the question "What else can I create?" It empowers you to change anything and everything. You created - you can change it!

P.S. Would you like to tap into your natural psychic abilities? Listen in on 6 different MP3’s as Glenyce connects with the "Creator of All That Is" to provide you with powerful energy shifts, healings and teachings on how to tap into your ability to easily communicate with your Divine Energetic Team. Divine energies will work with you and your energy field while you listen to clear anything that is blocking you from moving forward with your natural psychic abilities. All 6 for a special price!

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.

Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Color Your Life with Joy

"We often talk about desiring more joy in our lives. Do you know what brings you JOY? Have you ever asked yourself? The more we know about what brings us JOY the easier it is to add to our lives every day. Have a list of at least 30 things you can do easily that create JOY for you. Consciously choose at least one of these every day and do it. 
The more JOY you choose, the more JOY you will create, the more JOY you will feel, the more JOY you will experience, the more JOY you 
have to share!"

P.S. Would you like to create and have more money and abundance in your life? Are you ready to raise your money vibrations to the highest level and keep them there? Are you ready to remove the limiting beliefs holding you back from enjoying tons of money and abundance? Are you willing to take the action steps to live a life of joy, success, abundance and happiness?? Available for immediate download - Raise Your Money Vibes: OWN Your Abundance with Creator!

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.

Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sunset Possibilities

"Often when we look at new possibilities we start questioning "how" they can show up, or "how" we can make them happen. Have you ever noticed how much energy and time is wasted on the "how"? What if you leave the "how" up to the Universe and instead play in the energy of the possibilities? Do you feel the expansiveness in that?? Know you are supported and contributed to in every moment, and your job is to step into the possibilities..."

P.S. Check out the Meditations I have for immediate download in my store. From Automatic Writing to Creating a Ton of Money with Creator and So Much More!

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.

Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Sunday, May 5, 2013


"When we allow our happiness to be dependent on the circumstances in our life, we will experience great highs and great lows. Always feeling out of control, frustrated and less than others.

When we choose happiness - regardless of what is going on we have total freedom from anything and everyone.

What do you choose?

Let your sun shine... no matter the clouds."

P.S. Check out the Home Study Online Courses I offer - you don’t even have to get out of your jammies to learn cool stuff!! Immediate download available. How cool is that??

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.

Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


"Every time you pretend to be less than the greatness you really are you lower your energy, you lower the possibilities available to you and you lower your standards. What would it take for you to choose to be your greatness? What if it is as simple as just choosing it? Will you - now?"

P.S. Yep I do Medium Readings - by phone or in person! 

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.

Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dear Universe

"What if, just for today, instead of complaining you just said Thank You?"

P.S. Be sure to check out my workshops - I travel far and wide and just may be in your area! (and if you would like to host me in your area let me know!)

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.
Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Friday, April 26, 2013

Support Happiness

"When people can't handle your happiness know that it has nothing to do with you, it is only a reflection of the lack of it they are choosing in their life. You choosing happiness makes them uncomfortable because it gives them the possibility of choosing it. If they resist it they have to make you wrong for choosing it. Keep choosing it, no matter what. Surround yourself with people who support your happiness. You deserve it!"

P.S. Have you signed up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter? When you do you also receive a video by the energetic team to Raise Your Vibes!

Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Did you know that judgment destroys your future. Any kind of judgment. Judgment that your body is too big. Judgment that your best friend is the most perfect person in the world. Judgment that you aren’t good enough.

Why does it destroy your future? When we judge we cut off our awareness. We have to fit it into the judgment we have made, instead of seeing what else is possible.

When we judge our body for being too big we cut off our connection with it to what else might be possible. When we judge our best friend to be the most perfect person in the world we cannot see the areas of their life they may not be. When we judge that we aren’t good enough we shut off our awareness of all the magnificent we truly are.

What if instead of judging we chose to be aware? Simply asking the question - what awareness can I be here? can shift you out of judgment and into awareness.

P.S. Be sure to check out Money Isn’t theProblem, You Are class on MP# - available for immediate download and the book gets mailed to you at no extra charge!

P.S.S. Be sure to sign up for my weekly Messages from a Medium newsletter by clicking here.
Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Author, Speaker and Facilitator of Possibilities