Sunday, April 22, 2012

Gifts from the Other Side -- A Medium's Experience in a Restaurant

I had a really interesting experience this morning. I was in a restaurant having breakfast by myself and these 2 brothers were seated at a table close by. The tables were arranged in a way that I was basically looking straight at them. The one brother was clearly upset about something.

As I was watching them an older male spirit came into my awareness. Now if you know me you know that I NEVER look for spirit unless I am doing a reading. I personally think it over steps some boundaries -- both mine and the other persons.

I also know if a spirit comes in uninvited there is something they want to show me. So I watched. To my amazement this spirit showed me energetically what he was doing for his grandson.

As his grandson would discuss his upset his eyes would brim with tears, his grandpa would put his hand on the grandson’s heart and the sadness would ease. It was absolutely fascinating to watch. Spirits have been telling my clients and I for 10 years how much they help us during readings and meditations, never once I have “seen” it.

Then he showed me something else that blew my mind... in a good way! As the upset grandson would finish talking, grandpa would energetically touch the other grandson. At first I thought he was just assisting him too as he must be feeling distressed watching his brother. It happened a few times and I realized the moment grandpa’s energy would touch him, he would speak. I asked grandpa what was going on. He explained that he was giving him the words to say, to best assist and comfort his brother. WOW!!! Truly amazing.

The other thing that grandpa showed me was that he wasn’t in any way trying to stop his grandson from hurting, feeling the emotion or fix what he was going through. He was supporting him in ways that the grandson could make choices that would resolve what he was going through. What an empowering way to support someone!

I also asked him who called on him to help, as I have always received the message that we need to ask them or they can’t do anything for us due to free will. He explained that no one had specifically called on him, but the desire of the brother to help was enough to give him permission to help.

Witnessing this has changed me in ways I can’t describe. To see and feel the degree of love, caring, healing and compassion that the other side has for us, truly, absolutely amazing. The gifts the other side has for us are beyond this world. Open your heart to them. Be willing to trust they are there. Ask for signs. Ask for what you require from them. You are loved, this I KNOW for sure.

P.S. If you would like a stronger connection with Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Metatron be sure to join us for the online/phone series coming up - Align with the Archangels. It is going to be AMAZING!!! 

Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Medium & So Much More

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Is Now the Time to Let Your Awesome Shine?

There is a quote from the movie What a Girl Wants that says -- “Stop trying to fit in when you were born to stand out.”

Many of us were taught as children that we needed to be like everyone else. If you weren’t part of the popular group, you didn’t fit. In order to be part of the popular group you had to be “like” those in the group. Difference was rejected. Same-ness was celebrated.

Most of us continued that feeling throughout our teens and into our adult lives. Then some where along the way we start to question who we really are. We find so many masks and layers that don’t belong to us. They helped us fit in with certain groups or people but they were never really true.

The truth is each one of us are born to stand out. To be different. To celebrate our unique-ness. To know our true value within ourselves. To share our specific gifts, talents and abilities with our world. And in my experience the only way to tap into that is to let the masks and layers go and let our awesome shine.

Some steps to help open the door to your awesome-ness:

1. Find out who you really are -- this is done through experience. Try different things. Set time aside once a week or once a month to try something you have never tried before. If you like it, keep doing it. If you don’t, don’t. You will be amazed at what you find out about yourself.

2. Pay attention to how you act and feel with those around you -- if you are constantly trying to say or do the right thing to be accepted by people it is time to change that. Awareness is the first step. Once you realize you are doing it you can choose to change it. If those people don’t appreciate it, you can choose to change those people to new ones who are willing to accept you for who you truly are. You don’t need to blame the other people to make the change. Just recognize it and find others. How do you find new friends? See step #1.

3. Just do it -- start living your life for you. Make choices that make your heart sing. Stop complaining and just do it. Your happiness is your responsibility. Is now the time to let your awesome shine?
P.S. My new program starts this week -- Live BEYOND Your Wildest Dreams Monthly Group Coaching Calls -- if you have some big dreams and are ready to take the steps towards living them, join us. It is going to be AMAZING!!! Click here for more information --

Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Medium & So Much More

Sunday, April 8, 2012

What Your Loved Ones in Heaven Really Want For You

In the past couple weeks I have noticed a theme while giving mediumship readings -- many clients are holding on to something they are afraid their loved ones in heaven are upset with them about or disappointed by.

A woman was afraid her Dad would be disappointed she was ending her marriage because, when he was here, he always said that divorce was wrong, in fact, the words she remembered the most -- “you make your bed, you lay in it.”

A man was afraid his Dad would be upset as he hasn’t been able fulfill his Dad’s dying wishes to “take care of the family” due to an upset and they won’t speak to him now.

A woman was sure her fiance, who crossed a month before their wedding, wouldn’t even come through to speak to her because she was now in love with another man and planning their wedding.

A woman who didn’t get to her Grandmother’s side before she crossed over, felt she didn’t even deserve her Grandmother’s energy to come visit her.

A young man was sure his sister, who died in an accident where he was driving, could never forgive him.

A woman had filled herself with such intense guilt for the last 20 years because she was sure she was the causing for her Mom’s death, as the night she forgot to pray for her, was the night Mom crossed over.

And there are many more along with theme. Do you know what every one of the loved ones in Spirit said to these people? Maybe not in these exact words, but the energy has been the same -- “I love you. Forgive yourself. Your happiness is all that matters to us here in Heaven.” They are not holding grudges or resentments. They see the truth. They see our hearts.

The woman’s Dad knew the daughter had done everything possible to save her marriage and since her husband wasn’t trying, there was nothing left for her to do. Her happiness is what is important to him, not how many years she stays in an unhappy marriage.

The man’s Dad knew that the son couldn’t change the upset in the family and more importantly then trying to take care of them, he wants his son to take care of himself and his happiness.

The woman’s fiance came in loud and clear to tell her that is was him that brought her new love to her. All he wants is for her to smile and laugh and dance again.

The woman’s Grandmother knew she did everything she could to be there, and Grandmother planned it perfectly so she was all by herself when she crossed. It was her choice. (many spirits do this)

The young man’s sister told him she had nothing to forgive him for. In her eyes he did nothing wrong. Nothing. It was her time to go and although no one here on earth would understand that, it was.

The woman’s Mom knew her daughter had nothing to do with her crossing over and had been trying to tell her that for years through her dreams.

As a medium I can guarantee that any guilt you are carrying in regards to someone who has crossed over you can let it go and forgive yourself. They are asking you to, likely even begging you to. Once we cross into the pure love and light of the other side the humanly ego gunk dissolves. Their desire for your happiness is #1. Ask them to help you forgive yourself. If you need, you can ask for them to forgive you, but they already have.

Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Medium & So Much More


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

#1 Way to Build Confidence

In my opinion it is the only way to build confidence -- do that which you are most afraid of. Until you do it, the fear holds power over you. Plain and simple.

Of course you can break it down into baby steps if that feels better for you. It all results in the same -- take action on your fear so you can see there is nothing to be afraid of.

If you are afraid of public speaking yet you know it is something you desire to do to get your message out to the world start with a program like Toastmasters so you can take action in a safe environment.

If you are afraid of asking someone on a date yet you really want to have that connection with someone start by asking friends out who you have no desire to get romantic with. Set a target for yourself -- for example you will ask 3 friends on “dates” and the 4th person will be someone you desire a romantic connection with.

If you are afraid of asking for a raise yet you know it is the only way to receive one start by asking your boss for other things - like a day off, a new computer/equipment, etc. Just the energy of asking will build your confidence to ask for the raise.

If you are afraid of going on TV yet know the importance of it you can go on a roller coaster. I know it doesn’t make much sense. What does a roller coaster and TV have to do with each other? Nothing. Everything. I have been in my business for 10 years and have had to push myself outside my comfort zone more times then I can count. Going on TV will be another one of those times. This time I am choosing to do it differently. I am choosing to do it from the place of total and absolute awareness and FUN. Most of the other times when I did something outside my comfort zone I disconnected, went through the motions and “woke up” on the other side. I allowed the fear to over take me and just pushed through it. On one hand I am grateful to have been able to get through those experiences, on the other hand it would have been so much more beautiful, amazing and joyful had I been totally present while doing them.

This brings me back to the roller coaster. As a child I enjoyed rides and a friend and I would spend weekends at the West Edmonton park going on them over and over and over. As I got older (but not old!) my desire to go on rides changed. I would still do a couple of my favorites and never once, not even as a child, would I go on a roller coaster.

Hubby came home one day declaring his desire to do the new roller coaster at West Edmonton park. I thought he was joking because he doesn’t like rides either. He wasn’t. The next chance we had we headed to Edmonton. He fully expected me to back out, as I did him. Once he bought the tickets I knew we were going for sure. Yikes!

Standing in line was very difficult. It was about a 20 minute wait as all the rides had to shut down for a routine fire alarm. It was perfect though in the sense that I was able to remind myself to stay present. I worked with Creator and my Divine Energetic Team to help me. I couldn’t disconnect and rush through it. I had to stand still and breath. Then it came our turn to get in the car. No turning back now. The minute it started going I could feel myself attempting to check out. I brought myself back to the present. Then we went up a very steep incline and, since everything that goes up must come down, I knew the next part would be tough. It was. I checked out for a few minutes. Couldn’t, or wouldn’t, open my eyes. It was terrifying. Then we slowed down for a bit. I came back to the present. And off we went again, and so did I. I went back and forth from present to checked out. I was so grateful when the ride ended. Hubby and I laughed at ourselves, well, mostly me because I screamed pretty much the whole time.

I walked away from there knowing that I have taken another step towards building my confidence. That when I go on TV on April 26 I have a much better chance of doing it from awareness and fun then disconnection.

What is one thing you can do today to build your confidence? What are you waiting for?

Infinite blessings,
Glenyce Hughes
Medium & So Much More

We renamed this -- The Ride of Death!!